Tips for Avoiding Unnecessary Drama (Pt. 1)Reality television shows us a gathering of “friends” who have money and connections plus a lot of drama! It makes for ratings, for good…Feb 12, 2021Feb 12, 2021
How to Destroy 2020 Post Holiday BluesWe are all looking forward to celebrating something and having quality time for ourselves and our beloved families. We are going through…Dec 29, 2020Dec 29, 2020
7 Creative Ideas to Improve Your Life on Quarantine“The slack hand impoverishes, but the busy hand brings riches” — Proverbs 10:4Aug 16, 2020Aug 16, 2020
Covid-19 Mental Health Crises Place Emphasis on the Importance of Family Support SystemsImagine a child running on the street, having fun, having no care in the world, just the child enjoying the moment under the sun. This…Jul 11, 2020Jul 11, 2020
We are taught not to question the All-knowing.But what about the things that are not of our control?Jun 24, 2020Jun 24, 2020
Is There A Jesus For Black People?John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son.”… or does it say “For God so loved white people?” I must…Jun 14, 2020Jun 14, 2020
One of the “Safe Ones"I grew up hanging out on the poverty line. I went from living out in the countryside of southern Virginia to living in a car in Atlanta,Ga…Jun 8, 2020Jun 8, 2020
5 Reasons Spiritual Health Is Effective In Your Everyday LifeWhen you are asked to name some dimensions of health, it is fairly easy to answer aspects like Physical, Social, and Financial Health. It’s…May 29, 2020May 29, 2020